Friday, March 18, 2005 brown-outs bad enough to make national news

Okay, so I wasn't just high -, the host of my page, really has been going through a whole series of profound slowdowns with their service in the last couple of weeks. It's gotten so bad, in fact, that it's come to the attention of the mainstream media as well; here's InfoWorld's take on it, for example. (Okay, so InfoWorld ain't exactly the New York Times, but you see my point - it's not just a bunch of pissed-off Blogger customers talking about it.) Biz Stone, a staff member of Blogger, addressed the issue at the company's blog this week, claiming that it's not a lack of equipment that is to blame, but rather the lack of actual electricity to run all the equipment. (Man, I'd hate to see that utility bill.) And even nicer, Mr. Stone admits that Blogger staff members' blogs have been facing the same delays, and that even the staff itself is pissed off over it. Anyway, I guess we'll see how long it takes for them to solve the problem.