Monday, April 18, 2005

Behind the scenes at "Kingdom of Heaven"

STUDIO EXECUTIVE: So, Ridley, what you got for us this time?

RIDLEY SCOTT: Well, my marketers keep telling me God is hot right now. How about a heroic epic action flick about the Crusades?

STUDIO EXECUTIVE: Well, aren't the Crusades actually one of the most shameful moments in all of human history? When millions of innocents were slaughtered in the false name of a vengeful, bloodthirsty God? Shouldn't we be abhoring the actions of the Crusades, and constantly fighting against a return to those days, instead of making a heroic epic action flick about them? Isn't making a heroic epic action flick about the Crusades kind of like making a heroic epic action flick about Nazis?

RIDLEY SCOTT: Orlando Bloom is attached.