Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Here's what the rest of the world thinks of you dirty, Godless artists

From a recent entry by Ken Layne at

"This gal was on Fox News talking about real estate - specifically, where you might be able to find a semi-affordable house near a semi-civilized town. ...Then the perky real-estate gal explained how you find these places before they get too expensive. I quote from memory: 'First the gays move in, then the students, then there's nightlife and then people realize, My God, something's happening here.'"

The lesson? This is how non-underground artists think of underground artists. You may think that your actions and projects mean nothing to the mainstream populace, but you're wrong - there are millions of simpering idiots and hucksters out there, viewing underground artists as a valuable commodity, salivating every time they move to a new shitty neighborhood, because they know that they'll be selling condos to yuppies in that neighborhood merely ten years from now. It's your job as an underground artist - hell, it's your duty - to screw with this process as much as possible, and to ensure that no one out there is able to make money from you without your permission. You may lose the battles (a lot), but at least you can proudly say that you waged the war to begin with. And make no mistake; in the times in which we currently live, there is a war going on between underground artists and the mainstream population.